Our offices have different delivery days, depending on the Region:

Metropolitan Region: 3 to 5 business days
Arica and Parinacota Region: 5 to 6 business days
Tarapaca Region: 5 to 6 business days
Antofagasta Region: 5 to 6 business days
Atacama Region: 5 to 6 business days
Coquimbo Region: 2 to 3 business days
Valparíso Region: 3 to 6 business days
Libertador B. O'Higgins Region: 2 to 3 business days
Maule Region: 4 to 6 business days
Bío-Bío Region: 4 to 6 business days
Araucanía Region: 4 to 6 business days
Los Ríos Region: 5 to 6 business days
Los Lagos Region: 5 to 6 business days
Aysen Region: 6 to 9 business days
Magallanes Region: 10 to 13 business days

Due to Covid-19, our dispatches are made within a maximum period of 10 business days. In addition, a delay greater than 3 to 4 business days per region should be considered in certain cases.

Once received by the selected courier, the user will receive an email with all the corresponding information, including the transport order number. (not the same as the order number).